Terrific Triangles is a math facts drill-and-practice program that teaches fact families for both addition/subtraction and multiplication/division.
There are 2 playing modes. In all cases the triangle presents two parts of a fact family and the player must determine the missing third part. The sum and product always appear at the top of the triangle. The addends and factors always go in the two lower corners. Student mode allows individual facts practice with a running score for correct answers. The player may select difficulty and whether to play against a timer.
Teacher mode allows for group play. Students are presented with a problem and the timer spins one revolution. Then a student name appears and the timer spins again. The student whose name is shown tries to call out the answer before the timer finishes. We like this system of showing the student name after the first spin because, if the time is set short enough, students are encouraged to pay attention even before knowing whether they will need to answer. If they wait until they see their names (or a neighbour tells them to look!) it may be too late to calculate.